Job vacancies in the UK are at an all-time high and employers are facing one of the tightest
labour markets in at least 50 years. As a result, the employee experience is coming under
increased scrutiny as workers continue to re-evaluate their priorities and their relationships
with their jobs.
In a recent survey, it is quoted that almost one in five UK workers are actively looking for a
new job. Just over half (53%) are open to new opportunities and just 3 in 10 are committed
enough to their current employer to stay for at least the next 12 months.
Interestingly, the majority of employees admitted to experiencing resignation contagion –
when the departure of a colleague influences an employee’s decision to also leave the
organisation – with six in ten saying a co-worker leaving would make them think about
leaving too.
It was also found that workers over 40 years of age demonstrated higher levels of job
satisfaction and just 1 in 10 actively job searching, compared to one in five of the under 40s.
Also, half of the over 40s were happy to stay in their jobs versus 25 percent of the under 40s
age group.
Resignation contagion was also felt less acutely among the over 40s where 47 percent said
they would consider leaving with their firm following a colleague’s departure. The figure rose
to 66 percent for the under 40s.
It seems that the pandemic has changed our priorities and our relationships with work, and
the whole landscape for employee experience is shifting. With job vacancies and staff
attrition at record highs, it’s never been more important for all organisations to re-examine
how they engage with employees and how they deliver their employee experiences.
The permanent shift in work culture brought about by the pandemic has also led to
heightened expectations by staff of their employers. The vast majority say expectations have
increased since the coronavirus and their employee experience at work is more important
than a year ago.
Around half admitted to having higher expectations of their employer when it comes to
wellbeing, provision of high-quality online tools, and greater acceptance about where and
how they work. Employee expectations concerning benefits packages and receiving
recognition for the work they do, was also more important now than before.
With high levels of resignations set to continue throughout 2022, worryingly just one in four
workers rated their employee experience as excellent and only a third felt well looked after by
their companies during the pandemic.
When asked what would improve the employee experience, the majority of UK workers opted
for items that corresponded with the increased expectations they now had of their employer.
A more tailored benefits package, being supported irrespective of where they work, and
recognition for their contribution, were the three most important factors in improving their
In my next blog I’ll give you some ideas about what you can do to improve your employee